Taher Link
Child Nutrition Job Postings:
Kitchen Manager
Food Service Aide - Floater
ABM Job Application Portal Link
Human Resources
  • Prospective employees must have a current application published to the Region 10 Teacher Job Network.

    To view current Mabank ISD employment postings, please click the Job Posting/Applications link on the left sidebar of this page.

    View 2022-2023 Salary Schedule: Teacher
    View 2023-2024 Salary Schedule: Teacher

    For questions or assistance, please contact the Mabank ISD Personnel Department.

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  • Mabank ISD complies with the following legal provisions:

    Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act

    Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972

    The Discrimination Act of 1975

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    GBA and GBAA and the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code

    Equal Opportunity Statement
    Mabank ISD is as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer. Mabank ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), military status, genetic information, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. Mabank ISD has a policy of active recruitment of qualified minority teachers and non-certified employees. Individuals needing assistance applying for job openings should contact:

    Lori Moriarty
    Administrative Assistant – Human Resources

    Title IX
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from sex and gender discrimination, including sexual misconduct, in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive Federal financial assistance. Mabank ISD is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.

    The District's Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz P.C.’s “New Title IX Rules and Regulations” series. Materials from this series in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: http://www.edlaw.com/materials/new-title-ix-rules-and-regulations-materials.aspx.. 
    Title IX Grievance procedures can be found in Mabank ISD Board Policy FHA (Local) 
    Individuals needing Title IX assistance should contact:

    Mabank ISD Title IX Coordinator
    Henry C Tracy III
    Assistant Superintendent – Human Resources

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Click here to contact the Human Resources Department.
Human Resources Staff
profile picture
Henry TracyAssistant Superintendent of Human Resources903-880-1300x1305
profile picture
Lori MoriarityHuman Resource Specialist903-880-1300x1305
profile picture
Donna LuskHR Records Clerk903-880-1300x9004
profile picture
Cheryl LeasureReceptionist903-880-1300x1301
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Important: This area is for individuals who have already been hired.  If you are needing to fill out an application for a position, please use the Job Postings/Applications area at the upper left corner of this page.

  • Welcome to the Mabank Independent School District!

    In order to expedite the new hire process, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Complete and print the linked W-4 form.
    1. Complete and print the linked I-9 form.
    1. Please complete the linked records request form and send it to your former district’s human resources department. If you have original sealed transcripts and original service records on hand, please bring these with you to your new hire appointment.  First year teachers will need to request or bring original transcripts only.
    1. Click on the link below to complete a new hire information form:

    New Hire InformationForm

    Once you have completed the new hire information and attached forms, please contact Lori Moriarity in the Personnel Department at lsmoriar@mabankisd.net  or 903-880-1305 to schedule a new hire appointment.  Please make sure that you bring your completed paperwork, driver’s license and Social Security card with you to the appointment. Mabank ISD does not accept photo-copies. These are required documents.

    Mabank ISD Administration Offices
    310 E. Market Street
    Mabank, TX 75147

    If you have not completed the fingerprinting process through the Texas Education Agency, you will receive a separate email with instructions.  Fingerprinting must be completed prior to your first day of employment with Mabank ISD.

    Thank you,

    Lori Moriarity
    Administrative Assistant
    to the Assistant Superintendent/
    HR Specialist, CTSBS
    903-880-1306 – Fax
    Mabank ISD

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  • Welcome to the Mabank Independent School District!

    In order to expedite the new hire process, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Print and complete the linked W-4 Form.
    1. Print and complete the linked I-9 form.
    1. Print and complete the linked Reasonable Assurance Letter.
    1. If you have worked in another district please complete the linked records request form and send it to your former district’s Human Resources department.
    1. Click on the link below to complete a new hire information form.

    New Hire Information Form

    1. Click on the link below to take the Highly Qualified Para-Professional Exam.

    Highly Qualified Para Exam

    1. Click on the link below for instructions on how to apply for your Educational Aide certificate.

                How to Apply for Certification

    1. Click on the link below to apply for your Educational Aide certificate.  Do not pay for fingerprints on this link.  You will receive a separate email to set up a fingerprint appointment.

         Apply for Educational Aide Certification

    Once you have completed the new hire information form, para exam and attached forms, please contact Lori Moriarity in the Personnel Department at lsmoriar@mabankisd.net or 903-880-1305 to schedule a new hire appointment.  Please make sure that you bring your completed paperwork, driver’s license and Social Security card with you to the appointment. Mabank ISD does not accept photo-copies. These are required documents.

    Mabank ISD Administration Offices
    310 E. Market Street
    Mabank, TX 75147

    If you have not completed the fingerprinting process through the Texas Education Agency, you will receive a separate email with instructions.  Fingerprinting must be completed prior to your first day of employment with Mabank ISD.  

    Thank you,

    Lori Moriarity
    Administrative Assistant
    to the Assistant Superintendent/
    HR Specialist, CTSBS
    903-880-1306 – Fax
    Mabank ISD

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  • Welcome to the Mabank Independent School District!

    In order to expedite the new hire process, please follow the instructions below.

    1. Print and complete the linked W-4 Form.
    1. Print and complete the linked I-9 form.
    1. If you have worked in another district please complete the linked records request form and send it to your former district’s Human Resources department.
    1. Click on the link below to complete a new hire information form:

    New Hire Information Form

    Once you have completed the new hire information form and attached forms, please contact Lori Moriarity in the Personnel Department at lsmoriar@mabankisd.net or 903-880-1305 to schedule a new hire appointment.  Please make sure that you bring your completed paperwork, driver’s license and Social Security card with you to the appointment. Mabank ISD does not accept photo-copies. These are required documents.

    Mabank ISD Administration Offices
    310 E. Market Street
    Mabank, TX 75147

    If you have not completed the fingerprinting process through the Texas Education Agency, you will receive a separate email with instructions.  Fingerprinting must be completed prior to your first day of employment with Mabank ISD.  

    Thank you,

    Lori Moriarity
    Administrative Assistant
    to the Assistant Superintendent/
    HR Specialist, CTSBS
    903-880-1306 – Fax
    Mabank ISD

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  • Welcome to the Mabank Independent School District!

    In order to expedite the new hire process, please follow the instructions below:

    1. Print and complete the linked W-4 Form.
    1. Print and complete the linked I-9 form.
    1. Print and complete the linked Reasonable Assurance Letter.
    1. If you have worked in another district please complete the linked records request form and send it to your former district’s Human Resources department.
    1. Click on the link below to complete a new hire information form.

    New Hire Information Form

    Once you have completed the new hire information and attached forms, please contact Lori Moriarity in the Personnel Department at lsmoriar@mabankisd.net or 903-880-1305 to schedule a new hire appointment.  Please make sure that you bring your completed paperwork, driver’s license and Social Security card with you to the appointment. Mabank ISD does not accept photo-copies. These are required documents.

    Mabank ISD Administration Offices
    310 E. Market Street
    Mabank, TX 75147

    If you have not completed the fingerprinting process through the Texas Education Agency, you will receive a separate email with instructions.  Fingerprinting must be completed prior to your first day of employment with Mabank ISD.  

    Thank you,
    Lori Moriarity
    Administrative Assistant
    to the Assistant Superintendent/
    HR Specialist, CTSBS
    903-880-1306 – Fax
    Mabank ISD

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