Special Education Useful Websites
Please Note: The websites listed in this section have in no way been approved for accuracy or endorsed by the MISD School Board, Administration, Staff or its patrons. All sites listed were identified by individual special education staff members or family members with children receiving special education services with the intent of helping others locate key resources in the area of special education. If you find any materials contained in any of the sites objectionable, please immediately notify Melissa Thompson, M.I.S.D. Director of Special Programs. Thanks.
General Information about Children with Disabilities
- www.ed.gov - United States Department of Education
- www.wrightslaw.com The Special Education Advocate
- www.disabilityrightstx.org Advocacy for the rights of disabled persons
- www.tea.texas.gov Texas Education Agency
- www.ascd.org Association for Supervision of curriculum Development
- www.cec.sped.org Council for Exceptional Children
- www.aacap.org American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- www.proactiveparent.com Resources for parents/teachers of students with reading difficulties
- www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/osers US Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Information about Bipolar and Other Psychological Disorders
- www.nimh.nih.gov Official site of the national Institute of Mental health
- www.jbrf.org Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation
- www.add.org Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- www.chadd.org Children and Adults with ADHD
- www.interdys.org International Dyslexia Association
Down Syndrome
- www.ndss.org National Down Syndrome Society
- www.feat.org Families for Early Autism Treatment
- www.behavior.org Behavioral Programming for Children with Autism
- www.autism-society.org Autism Society of America
Cerebral Palsy
- www.cerebralpalsyguide.com Cerebral Palsy Guide
- cerebralpalsygroup.com CP Group